Thursday, March 20, 2014

This Should Be Fun

In this chapter you finally get to see the true, rude, heartless, messed up Dwight: it's great. We all knew, anyways, that Dwight is most likely a terrible person, and now that that is out in the open the book can only - in a sense - get better. Jack is going to be with Dwight for a while and I can't wait to see what kind of impact that has on Jack, and what, in particular, Dwight is going to do to make him less of a "hotshot". Jack is "in for a whole nother ball game" (91) with Dwight, there will be no more shenanigans and Jack is going to behave himself. I can't wait to read about what Jack does, and how he handles different situations. I think it's about to get serious, and although I'm glad we finally know who Dwight is, I hope he's not in the picture for too long.

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