Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dwight's A Baby

In this chapter you get to see a "new side" of Dwight. In reality, you knew this was coming. We discussed in class that no one could ever, truly be as happy all the time as Dwight is, and that his happiness was an act. Dwight is all about "respect" from his kids, and he does get that. When his kids try to have a real conversation, or correct him in anyway, Dwight becomes disrespectful and lashes out at them. Although Dwight is trying to brag about how great Chinook is, in all reality it's not that great. Even Jack's mom said she didn't want to rush into anything - somehow Dwight is making everything continue to move fast. More importantly, what bothered me the most, was how much of a baby Dwight is. He lost the turkey shoot, blamed it on the gun, and gave Jack's mom the silent treatment. You would think someone in that position would be proud of their spouse, or whatever. Skipper corrected him, and he turned into a sarcastic baby and got all defensive when the comment wasn't direct to him.

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