Monday, March 24, 2014

Does He Love His Mom?

In this section of the book we get more of an insight on life with Dwight. Dwight's not too fond on bringing Jack with him when he goes to visit his mom, and when he does he blatantly lies to her. What's the difference now? The difference now is Jack feels guilty lying to his mom, one because he loves his mom — but it's mostly because Jack is in a bad situation with Dwight. "She made the world seem friendly. And somehow, with her, it was... My mother did not expect to find people dull or mean; she assumed they would be likeable and interesting..." (99). Jack was explaining his mom as a loving, nurturing person but he still doesn't explain why he treated her the way he did. So far, I think this "whole new deal" for Jack has given him a lot of time to think and now he's realizing that some of this things he's said and done haven't helped anybody or anything. I don't think it will continue to have positive affects on Jack and this is a short term feeling (of guilt and such) for Jack.

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